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Baxtel Aneroid Sphygmomanometer

Brand: Baxtel
Product Name: Aneroid Sphygmomanometer; Stethoscope
Product Origin: Taiwan
Features: Durable Adult Inflation System.
Handy Zipper Case.
Authentic, luminous dial face.
Genuine brass gauge to ensure accurate blood pressure reading.
Long lasting, thicker rubber bladder.

Status: Available
Remarks: Can be purchased by piece (e.g. Sphygmomanometer alone or stethoscope alone)

OPTIMUM Aneroid Sphygmomanometer Set

Brand: Optimum
Product Name: Aneroid Sphygmomanometer; Stethoscope
Product Origin: China
Features: High quality. For hospital, home, office, school, and travel use. Dual head stethoscope.

Status: Available
Remarks: Can be purchased by piece (e.g. Sphygmomanometer alone or stethoscope alone)

Product Brand: Lumina
Product Name: Diagnostic Lamp or Penlight

Status: Available

Product Brand: Optimum
Product Name: Rectal Thermometer & Oral Thermometer

Status: Available

Product Brand: Union

Status: Available

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